Saturday, 29th November 2025
Easterbrook Hall, The Crichton, Bankend Rd, Dumfries DG1 4TA
Member Price until 28/2/25 (limited to 2 tickets per member)
General Release 1/3/25 (no limits)
Tickets are proving popular, and members get a fantastic deal with a £4 discount on their allocated 2 tickets until 28/2/25
There are no limits on purchases from 1/3/25
In your welcome bag you receive a glass, a pen, your brochure with all the products & pricing and the Golden Dram entry form.
Your ticket price gets you into the event with no extra tickets required to taste from any of the stands – around 200 different products available for you to choose from to taste.
A Master Class is being hosted by Ian Macleod Distillers- a selection of their whiskies matched with chocolate – tickets yet to be announced (priority tickets will be offered initially to Whisky Club Members)
A free bus is available to take you back to town from 3pm.
A cafe on site so you can take a break, sit down, have a bite and mull over your brochure
Our onsite shop is open for the duration of the event – 12pm to 4.30pm. It stocks all the whiskies that are available for tasting.
Our Whisky Cloakroom is available free for your use to store your purchases safely, enabling you to buy as you go and avoid the queues later in the afternoon.
A chance to win a free TB Watson Whisky Club Membership when you enter your vote for the dram of the day.. the Golden Dram. If you vote for the winner, you automatically enter into the Membership draw worth £24.