Edinburgh Gin Seaside is a meticulously crafted gin that encapsulates the essence of the Scottish coastline in a captivating and unique spirit. This gin takes inspiration from the maritime heritage of Edinburgh, infusing it with a carefully curated selection of botanicals to create a truly distinct flavour profile.

At its core, Edinburgh Gin Seaside utilises the classic Edinburgh Gin as a base, known for its quality and traditional craftsmanship. What sets it apart is the addition of carefully chosen botanicals that evoke the coastal landscape. These include foraged seaweed, ground ivy, and scurvy grass, among others.

Distillery:Edinburgh Gin Distillery
Gin Type:London Dry Style Gin
ABV (%):43%
Volume (cl):70cl


On the nose, delicate briny notes mingle with herbaceous scents and a hint of floral citrus.


The palate reveals a delightful balance of sea salt and coastal botanicals, alongside earthy herbal tones.


The finish is crisp and refreshing, leaving a lingering hint of brine and a touch of floral sweetness.

Original price was: £35.00.Current price is: £30.00.

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