Bacardi White Rum, also known as Bacardi Superior, is a popular light rum produced by Bacardi Limited, a globally renowned spirits company. It's a clear, light-bodied rum with a smooth and subtle flavour profile, making it an ideal base for a wide variety of cocktails such as Mojitos, Daiquiris, and PiΓ±a Coladas.
Bacardi White Rum is made from fermented molasses and distilled through a process that emphasises lightness and clarity. It is then aged for at least one year in white oak barrels, followed by a filtering process that removes color while retaining a mild flavour. Its relatively low alcohol by volume (usually around 40%) and versatility make it a staple in many home bars and among cocktail enthusiasts.
Rum Type: | White Rum |
ABV (%): | 37.5% |
Volume (cl): | 5cl |
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