The Cohiba Siglo II is a premium Cuban cigar from the renowned Cohiba brand, which is widely regarded as one of the finest and most prestigious cigar brands in the world. The Siglo II is part of the Linea 1492 series, also known as the Siglo series, which was introduced in 1992 to celebrate the 500th anniversary of Columbus’s discovery of the New World.

Key Features:

Size and Shape: The Cohiba Siglo II is a Petit Corona format, measuring approximately 5.1 inches (129 mm) in length with a 42-ring gauge. It is a classic size, providing a medium-length smoke that is both satisfying and convenient for various occasions.

Tobacco Origin: Like all Cohiba cigars, the Siglo II is crafted from the finest Cuban tobacco, hand-rolled with leaves from the Vuelta Abajo region, which is renowned for its high-quality tobacco. Cohiba cigars undergo extra fermentation steps, which contribute to their exceptional smoothness and flavour complexity.

Flavour Profile: The Cohiba Siglo II is medium-bodied and offers a refined and complex flavour profile. Smokers can expect smooth, creamy notes with hints of cedar, coffee, and light pepper. There are also subtle sweet undertones, with some earthy and grassy characteristics typical of Cuban cigars. The cigar’s balance and smoothness make it a favourite among aficionados.

Strength: This cigar is generally considered medium in strength, making it approachable for a wide range of smokers. It offers enough complexity to appeal to experienced smokers while remaining smooth enough for those newer to Cuban cigars.



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