The Guantanamera Minutos is a Cuban cigar produced by Guantanamera, a brand known for its affordable and accessible hand-finished cigars. The Minutos measures 4.3 inches (110 mm) in length with a ring gauge of 42, making it a smaller cigar ideal for a quick, casual smoke.
Guantanamera cigars use tobacco from the Vuelta Arriba region, one of Cuba's oldest tobacco-growing areas. The Minutos offers a mild flavour profile, making it a suitable choice for beginners or those who prefer a lighter smoke. It has straightforward notes of earth, cedar, and a slight sweetness, without the strong complexity found in higher-end Cuban cigars. The cigar is machine-made, contributing to its relatively lower cost.
The Guantanamera Minutos provides an easy draw and even burn, ideal for those looking for an uncomplicated smoking experience.
Country: | Cuba |
Producer: | Guantanamera |
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