The Hoyo de Monterrey Epicure No. 1 is a premium Cuban cigar from the famous Hoyo de Monterrey brand, known for producing cigars with a milder, more nuanced flavour profile. The Epicure No. 1 is part of the brand's Epicure line, which is highly regarded by aficionados for its smooth and flavourful smoking experience.
Key Features:
Size and Shape: The Epicure No. 1 is a Corona Gorda format, measuring approximately 5.6 inches (143 mm) in length with a 46-ring gauge. This size provides a good balance between smoking time and flavour complexity, making it a popular choice for those who enjoy a leisurely, medium-length smoke.
Tobacco Origin: Like all Hoyo de Monterrey cigars, the Epicure No. 1 is made entirely from Cuban tobacco, sourced from the Vuelta Abajo region, known for producing some of the finest tobacco leaves in the world.
Flavour Profile: The Epicure No. 1 is known for its smooth, mild to medium-bodied profile. Smokers typically note flavours of cedar, cream, and sweet tobacco, with subtle floral and earthy undertones. It offers a delicate complexity, perfect for those who prefer a more refined and less overpowering cigar experience.
Strength: This cigar is generally considered mild to medium in strength, making it suitable for both novice smokers and experienced cigar enthusiasts who prefer a lighter smoke without sacrificing flavour depth.
Country: | Cuba |
Producer: | Hoyo de Monterrey |
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