The La Invicta Nicaraguan Short (Untubed) is a compact, hand-rolled cigar from Nicaragua, designed for a quick yet flavorful smoking experience. It measures 4.5 inches (115 mm) in length with a ring gauge of 50, offering a stubby, robust format. Crafted with Nicaraguan filler and binder, and wrapped in a Nicaraguan wrapper, this cigar provides the rich and earthy character typical of Nicaraguan tobacco.

Tasting Notes:

Flavour Profile: Medium-bodied with notes of earth, pepper, and a touch of spice, rounded out by a natural sweetness. The shorter size delivers an intense burst of flavour in a brief session.

Construction: Expertly hand-rolled, providing an even burn and smooth draw. Its untubed presentation makes it accessible and affordable.

Producer:La Invicta


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