The Montecristo Open J is a premium Cuban cigar from the renowned Montecristo brand, part of the Open series, which was introduced to appeal to a new generation of cigar smokers who enjoy a lighter, more accessible smoke. The "Open J" is a smaller-sized cigar in this series and is designed for smokers who want a quicker yet refined smoking experience.
Key Features of Montecristo Open J:
Size and Shape: The Montecristo Open J is a Petit Cazadores format, measuring approximately 4.3 inches (110 mm) in length with a 38-ring gauge. Its smaller size makes it ideal for shorter smoking sessions.
Tobacco Origin: As with all Montecristo cigars, the Open J is made with 100% Cuban tobacco, grown in the Vuelta Abajo region, which is known for producing some of the finest tobacco in the world.
Flavour Profile: The Open J has a lighter flavour profile compared to traditional Montecristo cigars, with creamy, slightly woody, and nutty notes. It is smooth and milder, making it perfect for newer cigar enthusiasts or those looking for a lighter, less intense smoke.
Strength: This cigar is generally classified as mild to medium in strength, making it a great option for casual or daytime smoking, especially for those who prefer a more delicate and nuanced flavour.
Country: | Cuba |
Producer: | Montecristo |
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