The VegaFina Nicaraguan Coronas is a premium handmade cigar produced by the VegaFina brand, known for creating cigars with high-quality tobaccos. The Nicaraguan Coronas specifically refers to a cigar that is made entirely from Nicaraguan tobaccos, typically featuring a rich and robust flavour profile, thanks to the unique characteristics of Nicaraguan-grown tobacco.

Key features:

Size and Shape: The "Corona" shape is a traditional cigar size, usually around 5.5 to 6 inches in length with a smaller ring gauge (42 to 44), providing a balanced smoking experience.

Tobacco Origin: The cigar is crafted using 100% Nicaraguan tobaccos for the wrapper, binder, and filler, which gives it a full-bodied and complex flavour.

Flavour Profile: Smokers often describe the VegaFina Nicaraguan Coronas as having earthy, spicy, and woody flavours, with notes of leather, pepper, and sometimes a hint of sweetness from the natural tobacco oils.

Strength: This cigar is typically medium to full-bodied, making it a good choice for smokers who enjoy a bold and flavourful smoke.

VegaFina cigars are generally known for their consistency and quality, and the Nicaraguan Coronas offer a distinct, flavourful experience for cigar aficionados looking for something rich and satisfying.



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